HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 16500 - Tentative Map to Subdivide a Parcel into 8 Units Condominium at 231 Hope Street CITY OF MOUNTAIN VIEW RESOLUTION NO. 16500 SERIES 2000 A RESOLUTION CONDITIONALLY APPROVING A TENTATIVE MAP TO SUBDIVIDE AN EXISTING 11,250 SQUARE FOOT PARCEL INTO ONE LOT FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES CONSISTING OF EIGHT UNITS AT 231 HOPE STREET WHEREAS, an application was reCEI\ ed from Steve Yang for LI Jen Wang for a tentative subdIVISIOn map to subdl\'lde an eXlstmg 11,250 squan' foot parcel mto one lot for condommlUm purposes conslstmg of eight rt'sldentlal Ul1lts WIth common areas for parkmg and open space at 231 Hope Street m tlw Downtown Pn'Clse Plan Zomng DIstrIct, and WHER[AS, the SubdIviSIOn CommIttee consIdered the request at theIr meetmg of June 8, 2000 and has recommended that the tentative map be approved ~,ubJect to the attached condItions, and WHEREAS, on June 27, 2000, the CIty CounCIl held a publH hearIng on saId applications and receIved and conSIdered all eVidence presented at saId hearIng, mcludmg a June 27, 2000 report from the Zonmg Admmlstrator; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the CIty Council of the CIty of Mountam VIew that thIS CounCIl fmds and determmes that thIS project \\'111 not have a slgmflcant effect on the em Ironment and hereby approves the ivhtlgated Negative Declaration prepared by staff, attached hereto as ExhIbIt G, whlCh IS mcorporated by reference herem BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to the Subdlvlslon Mat' Act, the CIty CounCIl hereby fmds that the proposed subdIVISion IS consIstent WIth the General Plan of the CIty and WIth the proVISIons or the Downtown PreCIse Plan Zonll1g DIstrict BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the CIty CounCIl hereby rmds thclt the establishment, maintenance and operatIOn of the uses applied for will nC1t, under the CIIcumstances of thIS partIcular case, be detrimental to the healt)" safety, peace, morals or general welfare of persons resldmg or workmg m the nelghb()rhood of saId proposed use, or be detrImental or mlunous to property and Improvements m the neIghborhood or to the general welfare of the CIty BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that as fmdmg of fact 111 support of ib deciSIon m thIS matter, the body 111corporates, by reference, the Zomng Admmistrator's May 15, 2000 report and the approved minutes of thIS body's public heal ng on June 27, 2000 and the comments made at such hearIng when thIS matter was con~ldered BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that saId application is hereby approved, and the tentative map for said project IS hereby granted ~,ubJect to the developer', fulfillment of each and all of the condItions whIch are attached hereto as ExhIbIt B and are mcorporated herem by reference TIME FOR TUDIClAL REVIEW The tune WIthin whIch JudICIal review of thiS deCISIOn must be sought IS governed by the Callforma Code of Procedure, SectIon 109! 6, as establlslwd by Resolution No 13850, adopted by the CIty Council on August 9, 1983 The foregoing ResolutIOn was regularly mtroduced and adopted at a Regular Meetmg of the CIty CounCIl of the CIty of Mountam VIew, duly 11eld on the 27th day of June, 2000, by the followmg vote AYES Councllmembers Ambra, Faravelh, Kasperzak, LIeber, Noe, Zoglm and Mavor Stasek NOES, None ABSENT None NOT VOTING None ATTEST APPROVED. (' l\t~d~ ANGELITA M SALVADOR CITY CLERK ! '_1-- I' /- _,},) !t..~~1'(2~--~( ~___ ROSEMARY STAsEK , MA YOR I do hereby certify that th" foreglllng re>olutHln \\a, passed and adopted by the Cll, Council of the Clt~ of MountaIn View at d t-'! CJ ul Cl r meetIng held on the _7tl. day of .].lI'''~O"O bv th:!r:regoll1~ vote ( ll\[{",c;\r--, City-Clerk City at MountaIn VieW AK/2/RESO 801-06-27-00R-l ^ CITY OF MOUNTAIN VIEW CALIFORNIA ENVIRONl\1ENTAL QUALITY Ac r (CEQA) MIlIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION I. INTRODUCTION A. PI oject Address and I We: 231 Hope Street, 8-Unlt ResidentIal Project n. Lead Agency Name and Addre~~: City of Mountalll VIew Comnlllnlty Development Department Post Office Box 7540 MountaIn VIew, Caltfomla 94039-7540 C. Contact Person allll Phone Number' WhItney 1\leNalr. Deputy Zonll1g Administrator Brad Eckhardt. Senior Planner (650) 903-6306 n. Project Spomor's Names and Addresse~: L Jen Wang 235-1 Hope Street Monn\all1 VIew, C A 94041 (650) 969-4860 E. General Plan Designation and Zoning' General Plan 00\\ nto\\ n Commercial Zomng P (Do\\nto\\n Planned Commumty DIStIICt) F. Project Description: for a Planned Comrmnnly Pemnt, Prm ISlonal Use p('Trmt. De,elopment Re"e\\ Comnnttee (DRC) approval, and Ilerllage 1 ree removal perl11l1, to dell10ltsh t\\ 0 d\\ elhng U11'lS and 2.432 ,quare feet of orrice space, con,trucl eIght d\\ ellll1g Innts, ann relTlove two Heritage Trees In Area G of the Do\\ntown Planned COmnHIl111y DI,tTll1 Ihe prolect \\ould prmlde 18 "n-Slte pal\"lI1g spaces In a garage that IS partIally belo\\ grade Planned Community Permll~ and De, el0pmcnt Renew Connmttee appro' a 1 are nece'sary for \ !flually a\1 de\elopment 111 the Do\\nto\\n lhe PrO\lslonal Use Pemnt IS requtrfd to a\1ow resldenllalland mes on the ground noor, \\ here retail commerCIal uses are prlnClpa\1y perll1ltted G. Location of Project: 1 he ,ubJect property (231 Hore Street) IS a 0 26-acre parcel on the east St,le 0f Hop~ Street, r-et\\ een Dana and Vrlla Streets, In the Do\\ntown Planned C0lTllTlunlly zomng dlstnct (see Lo:atlon 1\lap, Page 2) Page J 6 II DETERI\IINATION In accordance "Ith local procedures regardll1g the Cahfonlla fnvtronmenlal Qllallt) Act (CTI)A), the COll11llUlllty Developl11ent Director ha~ conducted an Inlllal Sludy to detellll11\e \\ hether Ihe pr"po,cd proJect l11ay have a SIgnIficant ad\else effect on the enVlrOIl!1lCnt, and on the has" of th,,' stlldy re,-ol1111\cnds the follo\\ IIlg deterrlllllal".,n The rlfJ!,o\eri rro]eel "dlllol hrll'C a slgllifiealll elfe" 011 Ihe e/II/lO/l/llelll, allrllheldo/r' all EIl\'/l01lIllellll1/llIlrac1 Rernrt (EIR) " 1l011Cql/l/cd The Inlllal Study Incorporates all rele\ ant 11\fOmlatlon regaldll1g potential enl II oll111ental effects of the project and confirl11s the detemllnatlon that an fiR " not reqlllrcd III. FINDINGS l3ased on the findlllgs of thc Inlt131 Study_ the propo,cd PIOlcct wtll nDI have a slgll1ficant cffcct on the environment for lhc followlllg reason, A As d"cu,sed In the precedlllg sections. the proposed prolecl cloes nOI have th, potcntlallo 'tglllficanth degrade the qua illy of the en\ 1I01llllenl, Including effech 011 anllllals 01 plall " or to ellllllllatc \1I,lolle or prehlstoflc Sites B As d"cussed In thc precedlllg ,ectloll" hoth sholt-tell11 and long-term CI"'Ir" lIllellWl effects a,soclated \\ Ith the proposed proJecl 1,,11 be Ie" thall slglllficant C When ll11pacts assOCIated "lIh the adoption oj the prop'1'ed project al' cnnsldeled alolle or In cOl11bll1allOn \\Ith other Impacts. the pIOlect-related lI11p2,ets ale IlIslgmficallt D The al'ol e diSCUSSions do not Identify a'1Y substJlIlJal adverse Impacts 10 rco[11c a, a result of the proposed project [ 1 Ills cktelln1l1al\on reneet, t1w IIldcpendcnt Juclgmenl of the Illy v~WtI1~t1V1Wl~ for Rosemary SVasek. 1\layor 'i'1 f! /00 Dale Page 17 EXHiBfti ~ REOUEST FOR A PLANNED COMMUNITY PERMIT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT A NEW THREE-STORY. EIGHT-UNIT RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT WITH AN UNDERGROUND PARKING GARAGE. PROVISIONAL USE PERMIT FOR GROUND LEVEL RESIDENTIAL USE AND A HERITAGE TREE REMOVAL PERMIT TO REMOVE TWO HERITAGE TREES 231 HOPE STREET APPROVED BY THE MOUNTAIN VIEW CITY COUNCIL ON tUNE 27. 2000 1 NOTE This project h,lS been revIewed 111 accordance WIth CEQA guidelInes and, as condItionally apprmed, found not to hClve an a,j\"l:.'rse Impact on the em'lronment and thus a Negative Declaration IS heleby Cldopted. 2 NOTE Commul1lty Development Department project appn>vals may be approved for up to an addltlonal two years Clfter rublIc heanng H vIew by the CIty CouncIl An applIcCltlon for extensIon must be fIled WIth the Community Development Department, ll1c1udmg appropnate fees, no later than 30 days befme the end date of thIS approval (two calendar years Clfter the date of fll1dll1gs stated on thIS Fl11dmgs Report) The Planned Commul1lty Pen11lt to construct a new elght-ul1lt re~ldentlal cOndOmll1lUm de\. elopment WIth Cln underground parkll1g gClra~e IS conditIonally appfl,ved based upon the conclItlons contall1ed hClem and upon the follOWIng fll1dlngs A The proposed resldentlCllland use IS a PlovlslonClI use on the fIrst floor 111 Area G of the Downtown PreCIse Plan and IS a permitted use on the upper floOls B The Site, located between the Post OffIce and an eXlstmg Clt~ parkll1g lot, IS phYSICally sUItable for the t) pe and Inll'nslty of land use belllg proposed The lot IS too narrow and small to SUstClJr1 il \. lilble c"mmercIClI de'elopment WIth underground parkll1g C The proposed proJect, 111 conjunction With the attClched cond ltlons of ilpproval, \.\'ould be harmonIOUS ilnd compatible WIth fXlstll1g and fuh re developments wlthll1 the zonll1g dlst! ICt and surroundlI1g area The propoc,ed prol'~ct was rev lewed under the recenth' adopted standa rds for the Om\' 'ltown I'reClse Pliln area o The proposed reSidentIal ploject wIll constitute a resldentlall em Ironment of sustall1ed deSIrabIlity and stClbllIty and wIll result Il1 an mte'l slty of land utllIzatlon -1- no higher than and standards of open space no less than permItted for a simdar development wlthm the Precise Plan. E The proposed project IS consistent with the General Plan in th~t it provides ownership hOUSIng and wdl promote resIdential uses In the dc,wntowll area F The location, SIze, design and operatll1g charactenstIcs of the poposed project are not detnmental to the public mterest, health, safety, conveniel'ce or welfare of the community. G The approval of the Planned CommunIty Permit for the proposed prolect complIes wIth the California Environmental QualIty Act (CEQA) Development Review approval for the eight-umt residential condominium development is condItionally approved based upon the condItions Jf approval contamed herem and upon the followll1g findmgs A The project complIes wIth the general deSign considerations as descnbed by the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance, the General Plan and tlw deSign standards of the Downtown PreCIse Plan. B The architectural design of the structures, mcluding colors, matenals and design elements, are compatible with surroundmg developments. C The location and configuration of the structures, parking, landscapmg and access are appropriately integrated and compatible With surroundlI1g develc'pment, mcluding public streets and sidewalks and other publIc property. D The design and layout of the proposed project wdl result in well-designed vehlCtllar and pedestnan access, CIrculation and parkll1g The Conditional Use Permit for the ground floor residential use is conditionally approved based upon the conditions contamed herein and upon following fmdmgs' A The proposed use IS conditionally permitted wlthm the Downtown Precise Plan Distnct-Area G Zonmg District and complie~, With all of the lPplicable provIsIons of the Zoning Ordmance, B The proposed use IS conSistent WIth the General Plan; C The location, size, deSign and operating characteristICS of the proposed use are compatible with the sIte and budding charactE'f and environnr ental ccnditIons of existing and future land uses in the vicinity, -2- D Any special structure or bulldmg modifIcations necessary to contam the proposed use would not ImpaIr the architecturalll1tegnty and character of the zl)ning district in which it IS to be located, and E The approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the proposed IIse complies With the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Heritage Tree Removal Permit to remove two Heritage trees i~, conditIonally approved based upon the condItions contamed herem and upon the followmg fll1dmgs A The trees interfere With the property owner's ability to construct Improvements or otherWise allow reasonable economic or other enjoyment of the property; however, economic enjoyment does not mclude the cost of tre'~ maintpnance, B The trees are m poor condItion and are improperly located With respect to structures or utility servIces Therefore, the trees create a risk to property Improvements and persons resldlllg 111 the are,,; Approval IS granted to remove Tree No 1 and Tree No.3 as Identified III the arbonst report prepared by ProfeSSIOnal Horticultural ASSOCIates dated December' 997 A total of SIX 24" box trees shall be planted as nlltIg,~tlon trees. The locatioll and speCIes shall be shown on the proposed landscape plans, to be reviewed ard approved by the Zomng Admlllistrator ThIS approval IS granted to construct an eIght-unit reSidential condominium project located on Assessor Parcel No 158-22-021 Development shall be substantIally as shown on the project matenals listed below, except as may be modifIed by conditions contallled herein: A Project drawings prepared by Steve Yang & Associates dated Apn14, 2000 and consIsting of seven sheets. ThIs request is granted subject to the followmg condItions: Commumtv Development Department-(650) 903-6306 1 This approval expIres in two years unless building permits h,we been obtained 2 The following information must be listed on the lower nght-hand corner of the title sheet of the buddll1g permit drawll1gs a. Zoning permit applicatIOn number, -3- b Zomng designation, c Floor area ratio (or density m umts per acre if residential), d. Lot area (In square feet), e Lot coverage (percentage), and f Total number of parkmg spaces. 3. FIfteen copies of 85" by 11" colored drawings of the Hope Street and CIty parkmg lot elevations shall be provided to the Zoning Administrator by June 7, 2000 for CouncIl review, 4 Color chips shall be attached to the title sheet of two sets of the buIldmg permIt drawmgs and the color scheme shall be shown on the elevati(ms. 5 A materIals board, including color chIps and samples of proposed materials keyed to a building elevation must be submitted to the Zoning Admimstrator and approved prIor to buildmg permit ISSUdnce 6 The applicant shall paint a small portion of the buIlding with the proposed color scheme and shall obtam an mspection from the Current PlannIng Dl\'ISIOn (650/903-6306). The colors shall not be conSidered approved untIl after inspection and approval by the Current Planning Dlvls!(ln 7 All roof equipment must be concealed behind opaque (solid) screening deSIgned to complement the buIldll1g Details of the roof equipment and roof screens shall be mcluded in the buildmg permit drawmgs and approved by the Zomng Administrator. 8 Details of the trash area are to be shown on buIldmg permit drawings and approved by the Zoning Admmistrator prIOr to buildmg permIt ISSU2nce, The trash area should accommodate an area for both trash and rec ycling tOntamers SpeCIal pickup for the trash and recyclmg contall1ers shall be lrranged With Foothill Disposal and charged to the homeowners association. Arrangements shall include proVIsions to keep the trash and recyclIng containers In the g,nage. The contamers shall not be permitted to be left oul for any length ~f time n the public sidewalk, street or withIn the front yard area If the area desl;jnated lor trash IS not large enough to accommodate both the trash and recyclmg contamers, an alternative location shall be deSigned and reviewed by the Ccmmunity Development Department and Public Works Department. T]-e alternative locatIOn may require that one parking space have limited parking hours on trash collection days -4- 9 The apphcant shall encourage recycling, either by allowing indIvidual garbage cans for each unit or incorporating receptacles for glass, plastic and metal containers as part of the trash enclosure 10. All parking spaces (except parallel spaces) mu~t be double-stnped, Double stupes shall be eighteen inches (18") apart, from outSIde edge to outside edge of the stupe. The eIght and one-half foot (8-1/2') parking space width IS me,lsured from the center of one double strIpe to the other, such that the space between stripes IS seven feet (7'). 11. The applicant shall submIt a lIghting plan WIth the app!JcatIOfl for building permIt This plan should Include photometric contour~" manufacturer', specificatIOns on the fixtures and mounting heIghts It shall be prepared In acccrdance WIth SectIOn 8,252(i) of the Mountain View CIty Code, Indicatll1g th ,t the !Jghting wIll not create off-site glare 12 The applIcant shall proVIde at least two bike racks The racks shall be an "Inverted U," or eqUIvalent as approved by the Zonll1g Admimstrator Racks should be located near the buIlding entrance or withm the parkll1g gal age and must secure the frame and both wheels If space IS unavaIlabll' near buildIng entrances, the racks must be designed so that the lock IS prote( ted from physical assault 13 Proposed landscaping shall be shown on the site plan, submitted With the buIlding permIt drawings for revIew and approval by the Zoning AdnllnIstrator prior to building permit issuance 14. Detailed landscape and Irrigation plans encompassing on- and off-site plantable areas out to the curb must be included in the Buildll1g Department ap.Jlicatlon Minimum plant sizes are flats or I-gallon containers for ground cover. 5-gallon for shrubs and IS-gallon for trees The drawings must be approvl~d by the Zonmg Administrator prior to buIldll1g permit Issuance, and implemented prior to occupancy. All plans should be prepared by a !Jcensed Lands:ape Ar,:hltect and qua!Jfied IrrIgation consultant and must comply WIth the CIty s Land~cape Guidelines Prior to occupancy, the Landscape ArchItect shall certify In writing, in a manner acceptable to the Building InspectIOn DIVISIOn, that the landscaping hlS been installed in accordance with all aspects of the ,'pproved lands,:ape plans The Current Planning Division shall confirm the fmdIngs of the la',dscape architect WIth a field investigatIOn -5- 15 The applicant shall complete the "Proposed Street Tree" form available m the Community Development Department. Once completed, the ilpphcant shall return the original to the Parks DIvision located at 235 North Whisman Road and provide a copy to the Community Development Department 16 All utility meters, lines, transformers, backflow preventers, etc , on-site or off-sIte, must be shown on all sIte plan drawmgs and landscape plan drawing~. All such faCIlitIes shall be located so as to not interfere WIth landscape material growth and shall be screened in a manner which respects the buildmg deSIgn and 3etback requirements 17 To reduce potential nOIse nuisance to surrounding property owners, the follow1l1g Items shall be listed as "General Notes" on the construction dr,nvmgs. a Construction contractors shall muffle and shIeld 1I1takes ;nd exhilusts, shroud or shIeld impact tools, and use electric-powered rather than diesel-powered construction equipment (as feasible) b. All statIOnary noise-generating equipment shall be located as far away as pOSSible from neighboring property Ilne~, e All construchon equipment shall be maintained and operated according to manufacturer's mamtenance schedules and recommendiltions te mmm11ze nOIse and exhaust emiSSIOns (particularly nitrogen oxides) 18. No work shall commence on the Job site prior to 7 a.m. nor ccmtmue later than 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, nor shall any work be permitted on Saturday or Sunday unless prior approval is granted by the Building Offnal At the discrehon of the City Budding OffIcial, the general contractor or the de\'eloper may be reqUIred to erect a sign at a promment locatIOn on the constrllctlon sIte to adVise subcontractor and material supplIers of the working hours. 'halation of thIS condition of approval may be subject to the penalties outlInd in Sec! Ion 8 6 of the CIty Code and! or suspenSIon of building permits 19 The applicant will be required to secure a permIt from the BilY Area Air Quality Management DIstrict or proVIde written assurance that no p,'rmlt i~ reqUIred prior to issuance of a buIldmg permit. 20 A geotechnical report shall be prepared and submitted as part of the btllldmg permit applicatIOn and evaluated by the Build1l1g Official to determme If speCIflC construction requirements are needed to address and mitJgate (to the extent pOSSible) geologic hazards of liquefactIOn or dlfferenhal setl \ement , I -6- 21 Should archaeologICal artIfacts be encountered during constructIOn, all constructIOn actIvIty 111 the vlcmity shall cease, the City shall be notifIEd, the slgl1lftcance (If any) evaluated, and appropnate measures taken as approved by the CIty of Mountain View 22 Two copies of the proposed covenants, codes ,md restnctions (CC&Rs) for the Homeowners Association shall be submitted to the Commul1lty Development Department and approved by the CIty Atton1E'Y pnor to bullclmg permit Issuance. The applicant shall attach a completed CC&R checklist to the CC&Rs upon submIttal. The checklist can be obtained m tlw Current Plannmg DIVI',lon or by callmg (650) 903-6306 23 All marketIng and sales literature, leasing mformatlOn, and the CC&Rs for the complex shall clearly state that this project is complete as built and thett no further expansIOns to the bulldmg structures are perrnitted without Community Development Department approval Any reVISIons to the protect would reqUIre a separate applicatIon to the CIty by the Homeowners AssoClati In and would need to establish rules for all Ul1lts 111 the complex 24 The project shall incorporate hIgh-qualIty matenals that gIve texture and add mterest to the building and the Il1teriOl courtyiud. The appllc,mt shal submIt bulldmg details (hght standards, planter boxe~" trim details, v. indow details, etc ) to the Zonmg Admil1lstrator for revIew and approval pnor to bulldmg permit Issuance All windows throughout the project shall be of high quality and shall be consistent. 25 Details of the garage ventilation system shall be submItted to the ZOl1lng Admmlstrator for review and approval prior to building penl1lt Issua 'Ice 26 Garage ramp wIdth (wall to wall) should be mcreased to 20' v. all to wall 27 Construction documents shall confmn that measures have bepn taken to achIeve mtenor noise levels of 45 deCIbels Such document shall be rE"lJewee! ,me! approved by a licensed acoushcal engll1eer prior to building I'ermlt submittal. 28 ConstructIOn contractor shall utilize Best Ma/lagement PractIce 'or nOls(, reduction, mcludmg muffling and shleldmg intakes and exhausts, shrouding or ~,hieldmg Impact tools and usmg electnc-powered rathe r than diesel-po Nered CoJnstructlon eqUIpment (as feaSIble) 29 The apphcant shall develop a dust abatement program to be revlewec and approved by the CIty pnor to issuance of bulldmg permits This program may mclude watenng exposed soil surfaces twice daIly, cessatIon c f gradmg actiVIty -7- during high winds (20 mph or greater), covering and anchoring stockpIles of salls and sweeping constructIon areas and streets of mud and debris 30 The developer shall be responsible to provide eqUIpment and manpower to Implement the approved dust abatement program 31 The applicant shall comply with the City's Best Management P"actrces for constructIon These practIces include the action Items noted in the Santa Clara Valley Nonpoint Source PollutIon Control Program's docummt entitled, "Blueprint for a Clean Bay" 32 The project sIte is currently occupied by a four-unit apartment buIlding. According to a letter from the applicant, two of the four units are currently used as office space The applicant shall give all households at the subject site 90 days notice to vacate their umt. The applicant wIll be reqUIred to post dally rental listmgs from the San Jose Mercury News m a central location during that 90-day notIce period 33 The applicant shall not deduct charges for damages to the urllt or its contents from the secunty depOSIt This includes damage to salvageable Items such as appliances, plumbing fIxtures, light fixtures, cabinets, etc. However, the applicant reserves the right to not automatically grant the full security deposit refund to households with rent III arrears. 34 For households that WIsh to sign up WIth a rental listings agency to help them locate a replacement umt eIther in Mountam View or m another Bay Area commumty, the apphcant will pay the fee for a 90-day subscnption An example of this type of service IS Metro Rent, the largest listing agenq in the Bay Area, which covers a geographic region extendll1g from San Jose to San Fr8ncisco The cost to the apphcant is expected to be $95 per household, per 60-day period, WIth a maximum cost of $200 per household for 90 days If requestf d, the a pphcant wIll pay the $200 directly to the household rather than to the renl-11 agency. 35 The applicant shall notify neIghbors within 300' of the project site of I he constructIon schedule m writmg pnor to con~truction The project applicant shall deSIgnate a "disturbance coordmator" who wtll be responsible for respondmg to any local complaints regardmg construction noise. The coordinator (who may be an employee of the general contractor) wIll determme the calLse of the complamt and wIll reqUIre that reasonable measures warranted to corrfct the problem be Implemented A telephone number of the nOise dIsturbance ~oord\l1.~tor shall be conspicuously posted at the constructIon sIte fence and on the notIficatIon sent to the neighbors adjacent to the sIte -8- 36 The applicant shall comply with relevant buildmg codes regarding disabled access to the garage and third floor flat, includIng cl mmUl1um 8 5" clear height m the garage and garage ramp to accommodate a wheelchair-acce,sible Vein Pubhc Works Deoartment-(650) 903-6311 37 For the proposed easement dedlcation(s), submit a 8.5" by 11" plat (drawmg), legal descriptIOn stamped by a regIstered Clvd engIneer or land surveyor and a copy of the current prehminary title report or property deed of the owner's property These Items are not reqUIred for easements dedIcated on a fmal or parcel map. 38 Dedicate a 4' WIde SIdewalk and pubhc utlhty easement along the frontage of the applicant's property adjacent to Hope Street 39 ReImburse the CIty for the post-top streetlIghts on Hope Street In fmnt of the applIcant's property that were mstalled m connection with 1['ost-ToF StreetlIght Installation, Project 96-57. The reimbursement shall be paid in accOldance WIth Section 27 66 of the CIty Code per the rates 111 effect at the tune of p2yment, which IS estimated at $4,954 per pole. 40 Pay the park land dedication fee (approxImately $5,000 to $15,000 per umt) for each new resIdential Unit In accordance WIth Chapter 41 of the CIty Code pnor to the Issuance of the budding permIt. ProVide the most current appraisal or escrow closing statement of the property WIth the following informdtion to assIst the CIty in determmIng the current market value of the land (1) a bIief descnptlon of the eXIsting use of the property, (2) square footage of the lot, and (3) size and type of each buildIng located on the property at the time the property was acqUIred Prior to the issuance of the budding permIt, the applicant shall eitller (1) pay the park land dedicatIon fee, or (2) sIgn an agreement to defer the payment of the fee m accordance with SectIon 66007.a of the Government Code a],d submIt letter of credIt or certIfIcate of deposit in a form approved by the CItv Attorney's Office as secunty guaranteemg payment of the fee 41. Complete an infrastructure data form for pnvate developments mdlcating the quantities of the street and utilIty Improvements. TIlE' mfrastructurc' data is used to estimate the cost of street and utlhty improvements and to determme the Pub he Works plan check and Inspection fees. 42 Install or reconstruct standard street and utility improvements on Hope Street consisting of a new curb and gutter and 10' WIde sidewalks, street trees With 4' X 4' tree ,veils and tree grates that match the downtown st-eet grales and frames; dnveways; utdlty serVIces, storm dramage faCIlItIes, pavem('nt confl1rm, stnpmg, and other applicable publIc Improvements -9- 43 Prepare off-sIte Improvement plans in accordance with tlw City's Standard DesIgn Criteria. The plans are to be drawn on 24" by 36" sheets at a mmlIl1Um scale of 1" = 30'. The plans shall be stamped by a registered civil engineer and shall show all pubhc improvements and other applicable work within the pubhc rIght-of-way A traffic control plan mdicatmg the work areas, delineators, signs and other traffIc control measures IS reqUIred for work that Impacts traffic ,)11 an eXIsting street Off-site plans (mne sets), completed infrastructure data form and copy of the current preliminary title report or property deed must be submItted together as a separate package concurrent with the fIrst submIttal of th" bulldlllg plans Thereafter, the off-sIte plans and building plans will be re\'lewed independently. However, all building plan submittals must Include the latest set of off-sIte plans to aid in the review of the building plans. The off-sIte plans must be approved and SIgned by the Pubhc Works Department. After the plans have bem signed by the Public Works Department, 12 blue-line sets and one Xero~ Mylar 14 mil) set of the plans must be submItted to the Public WOI ks Department prIor to the Issuance of the bUIlding permit. 44 Private steps, fences and retainmg walls shall not encroach into the public rIght-of- way 45 The diagonal parking stalls on Hope Street in front of the .1ppllcant's driveway entrance must be relocated The striping is to be removed, and parking striping to be mstalled shall be shown on the off-SIte plans 46 Each dwelling, townhouse, apartment house, restaurant or place of bUSiness shall have its own water meter and sanitary sewer lateral in accordance with City Code Section 35 38, unless a waiver IS granted by the Pubhc Works Department A waiver requires the slgnmg of a utlhty servIces payment agreement and are generally only granted for condommlum buildings For c,)mmon ownership developments, the agreement requires the posting of a certifICate of deposit made payable to the CIty as securIty m the amount equal to SIX months of the entire municipal utility bill for the homeowners assoCiation. Th(, utlhty payment agreement shall Include proVIsions to have the security transferred from the applicant to the homeowners aSSOCiation (but stili made p 'yable tJ the City) when the homeowners associatIon IS formed for the subdivisIon 47. Domestic water and fire services shall have separate lines connected to the City's water mam, except when supplying NFPA 130 fIre sprinh ler systems as approved by the City FIre Protection Engmeer On-&ite fire lines, post indicator valves, Fire Department connections and detector checks also reqUIre 'lpprovill from the City's Fire Protection Engmeer. 48 PrIor to the Issuance of the building permit, complete appllcatlom, for water and sewer servIce If new water serVices, water meters, fIre ser"ices or sev,,'er laterals are -10- required Unpaid water and sallltary sewer fees are to be paid pnor to the buIlding permit For a single-famIly home (one-umt develc'pment), the homeowner can pay the City to install a water meter, copp<'r water servICe and sewer lateral from the mains in the street to the water mete" or sewer cleanout m most instances. 49 The size and location of all existing and new water meters, backflow preventers, water services, fire serVIces, sewer laterals, sewer cleanouts gate vi'llves and uttllty mams are to be shown on the plans Sewer laterals, water services ,md fire servIces shall have a mmllnum 5' horizontal separation from each other. Existll1g water services shall be shown to be disconnected and plugged at the maIn, unless they are satIsfactory for reuse as determmed by the Public Servl< es Department Water services 4" or larger that are not reused shall be plugged at the mall1 by removmg the gate valve and mstalllng a blind flange and thrust block at the tee EXisting samtary sewer laterals and storm connecl1ons that are not r,~used shall be abandoned, and eXIsting face-of-curb drains that are not reused shall be removed 50 All new sidewalks and wheelchaIr ramps shall comply wltll the Amencans WIth DIsabilIties Act (ADA) requirements EXIsting nonconfonltlng wheelchair ramps shall be reconstructed to comply WIth the ADA requirements. 51 Portions of the curbs on Hope Street are damaged and mm,t be replaced. The speCIfic areas and limIts of the replacement work shall be d 1 awn on the plans. 52 Replace abandoned driveways WIth standard curb, gutter and SIdewalk and show the replacement work on the plans. 53 Street curbs that are located within ten feet (10') of the dnvEway entrance to the underground parking garage shall be pamted red 54. The profile and vehicle clearance height of the ramp to the underground garage shall be shown on the building plans and is subject to revle'v and approval of the Traffic Engineer 55 The CC&Rs shall include a provision statll1g that the homeowners are responSible for bnnging their garbage and recyclmg canisters to the curb along the public street on garbage collection days, 56 Install standard street trees with 4' X 4' tree grates along the frontage of Hope Street. 57 The locatIOn of existmg trees to remam, exi5ting trees to be removed and new street trees shall be shown on the utIlity ancllandscaping plans. Street trees are to be Irrigated by the property owner in accordance With Chapter 32 (If the CIty -11- Code. New street trees are to be planted a minimum of W' from samtary sewer hnes and 5' from water lines, fire lines and drIveways m accordance with Detail F-l of the Standard Provisions 58. On-sIte drainage plans shall be included in the building plans 59 On-site parking lots and driveways (other than SFR) shall not surface-drain across public sidewalks or drIveway aprons. A 2' x 2' mlet/ cleanout bm< is required at or near the property lme for connections to the City storm dl alns For developments that do not require a subdIviSIOn map, a connection to the City's storm mam requires' (1) a WrItten request to the PubliC Works DIrector; (2) payment of storm drainage fees; and (3) approval from the Public Works Department, unless the storm drainage fees were paid in the past for the propert\. A facl'-of-curb Inlet/ outlet is reqUIred to drain mto the curb of the street 60 As portions of the site are or will be lower than the adjacent public street or the surface grade over the City's storm mams, the owner shall sIgn all agreement to hold the City harmless agamst storm surcharges or blocbges tha t may result In on-sIte flooding or damage 61 Complete a Santa Clara Valley Water DIstrIct well questicmnaire, and return It to the Public Works Department Well questionnaire forms are avallable from the Public Works Department All eXlstmg wells shall be shown on the sIte plans as to remain or be sealed in accordance WIth the Santa Clara Valley Welter DIstrict standards. 62 Submit a current preliminary title report or land deed indicating I-he exact name of the current legal owners of the property, theIr type of ownershIp (indIvidual, partnerslllp, corporation, etc ) and legal description of the property Involved to the Public Works Department ThIS mformatlon IS reqUIred fJr the preparation of Public Works agreements and documents 63 This site plan is a subdivision of an existing parcel(s). Any combination or division of land for purpose of sale, lease or financmg requires the filing and approval of a prellmmary parcel or tentative map, completion of all conditions of subdIVISIOn approval and the recordation of the parcel or final map, all prIor 10 Issuance of the building permit. In order to place the approval of a hnal map on the CounCIl agenda, all related materials must be completed and approved 15 calendar days prior to the Council meetmg. 64, The applicant IS adVIsed that the City parking lot IS located on the opposite Side of the street and on the south Side of the applicant's propert'! The parking lot lights may be left on throughout the night The applicant shoulj consider the effect of -12- the light glare from the parkmg lot hghts and any mItigation to the buIldlllg design Fire De!Jartment-(650) 903-6343 65. Sprinkler System. Provide an automatic spnnkler system to be mDmtored by a central station momtonng alarm company. ThIs momtorl'1g shalllllclude water flow indICators and tamper SWItches on all. control valves, Three (3) sets of shop- quahty drawmgs shall be submitted for revIew and approval All work shall conform to NFPA 13 (1996 EdItion), NFPA 72 (1996 EdItIon) and Mountalll View Fire Department speCIfications Call the Building InspectlJll Dlvl~,lon at (650) 903-6313 for a copy of specifications and subnllttal r('qUlrem~nts UFc, See. 1003 WIth amendments 66 Honzontal Wet Standpipe System' ProVIde ground-level wet standpIpes (wharf hydrants). On-site wharf hydrants shall be so located as to reach ,my portion of combustible constructIOn with 150' of hose. Installation sl- all be complete and the system shall be tested pnor to combustible constructIOn bl'yond 1'50' from the pubhc right-of-way The wharf hydrant shall be capable r f provlcllllg a combination flow of 500 GPM with two 2-1/2" outlets flmling. Three (3) complete sets of shop-quality draWings shall be submitted for revle'v and approval All work shall conform to NFPA 24 (1995 EdItion) and Mountam View Fire Department specificatIOns 67 Submit two (2) 8-1/2" x 11" plot plan dra.,-.mgs accordlllg '0 Mountam View Fire Department speCIfications prior to final certificate of occupancy. 6~ Install one 2-A:10-B C fire extmguishel for every 50' /75' of travel or every 3,000 square feet T-19, Chapter 3 and UFC Standard 10-1 69 EXIt Paths: Exit paths shall be Illuminated anytime the budding is occupIed with a hght havlllg an Intensity of not less than one footcandle at floor level. Show thiS on electrical sheet EXIt signs shall be posted above each rt~qUlred eXIt doorway and wherever otherWIse reqUired to clearly lIldicate the dIrectIOn of egress Separate sources of power are required. Umform BUlldmg Code, Chapter 10 70. Exit SIgns, EXIt signs shall be electncally iIIummated per Umform Building Code Chapter 10 Separate CIrcuits are reqUIred, separate sourCl'S of power are reqUIred Umform Building Code, Chapter 10. 71 Manual Alarm PrOVide an approved autc,matic/manuill fIre alarm system in accordance with Uniform Buildlllg Code, Umform Fire Code and Mountain View FIre Department speCIfications Three (3) (Omplete sets of fIre alarm system shop- qualIty drawings shall be submitted for review and ilppro /al Pnor to occupancy, -13- the system shall be field-tested, approved and in servICe. Provisions shall be made for monthly testing, mamtenance and service Call the Budding Inspection Division, (650) 903-6313, for a copy of speCIfications and submittal reqUIrements UnIform FIre Code, ArtIcle 10. 72. Smoke Detectors (1) Residential. All reSIdential occupanCIes shall be provided with CalifornIa State FIre Marshal-listed smoke detectors Detectors shall be installed in accordance with the approved manufacturer's iir'structions (2) Additions, alterations or repairs to Group R Occupancies. When the valuation of an addItion, alteration or repair to a Group R ()ccupancy exceeds $1,000 and a permit IS reqUIred, or when one or more sleepll'1g rooms are added or created in existing Group R OccupanCIes, smoke detectors ~,'1all be Installed in accordance with Subsections 3, 4 and 5 of thIS section (3) Power source. In new construction, required smoke detectors shall receIve their pI imary rower from the budding winng when such winng IS served from a commer:lal source and shall be eqUIpped with a battery backup. The detector shall emIt a Signal when the batteries are low. Winng shall be permanent and without a disconnecting SWItch other than those required for overcurrent protection. Smoke detectors may be solely battery-operated when installed In eXisting buildings or in buddlngs without commerCIal power, or m buildings which undergo .llterations, repairs or additions regulated by Subsection 2 of this section (4) Loc.ltion wilhin dwelling units. In dwelling UllltS, a detector shall be installed In eacl- sleeping room and at a point centrally located In the corndor or area gIVing acce~,> to each separate sleeping area. When the dwelling Ulllt has more than one story and III dwellIngs WIth basements, a detector shall be installed on each story and In the basement In dwelling UnIts where a story or basement IS split into two 0" more l,evels, the smoke detector shall be installed on the upper level, except that when the lower level contains a sleeping area, a detector shall be Installed 011 each level When sleeping rooms are on an upper level, the detector shall be placed al the ceding of the upper level In close proxImity to the stairway, In dwellmg units where the ceding heIght of a room open to the hallway servmg the bedrooms exceeds that of the hallway by 24" or more, smoke detectori> shall be installE'd In the hallway and In the adjacent room. Detectors shall sound an alarm audible 111 all sleeping areas of the dwelling UnIt In whIch they are located (5) Location in efficiency dwelling units, congregate residences and hotels. In effICIency dwelling units, hotel sUites and in hotel, motel or lodglllg hOl/se and congregate reSIdence sleeping rooms, detectors shall be located on the ceiling or wall of the main room or each sleeping room When sleeping rooms within an effIciency dwelling unit or hotel sUIte are on an upper level, the detector shall be placed at the ceding of the upper level in close proximIty to the staIrway When actuated, the detectc'r shall 50llnd an alarm audible within the sleeping area of the dwelling unit, hotel suite or sleeping room in which it is located UnIform Budding Code, Chapter 3. -}4- 73 Lockbox Install an approved key lockbox per the FIre Protection Engmeer's dIrections, Call the BuIldlllg InspectIOn DIvision, (650) 903-6313, for instructIons UFC, Article 9, 74 Meter Protection: PaCIfIc Gas and Electnc gas meters subject to vehicle damage shall be protected from impact. 75. Address SIgns A buIldmg address at least 6" m height and visIble (rom the street wIll be reglllred 76. Provide 2-1/2" fIre hose valves in the garage. 77. Provide a Knox key cylinder to override the gate at the parkmg garage entrance. 78. A wharf-style fire hydrant shall be installed at the courtyard podlllm area on the fIrst floor PJ/9/CLK 403-07- 28-00F036^ -15-