HomeMy WebLinkAboutEPC 2017-04-05 Item 5.2 Memo - Exhibit 21 Ongoing General Plan Action Items List SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS Land Use and Design CITY-WIDE Planning Process 1 LUD 1.2.1: On-line document system. Improve the accessibility and ease of use of the City’s online document system through emerging technologies. IS/CDD Day-to-day 2 LUD 1.4.1: Outreach accessibility. Ensure that outreach is available to all populations by providing translation, convenient meeting times, and submittal of public input using latest technologies. CDD/CMO/PWD/ CSD Day-to-day Regional Coordination 3 LUD 2.2.1: Support regional planning. Commit staff resources to participate in regional and other key planning issues. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 4 LUD 2.5.1: Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) Consistency. Evaluate land uses and development within the Airport Influence Area (AIA) for consistency with the safety, height, noise, and related policies of the CLUP. CDD Day-to-day Land Use Mix, Distribution and Intensity 5 LUD 3.1.2: Increase public transit use. Develop strategies to increase public transit ridership through coordination with transit agencies and private employers. CDD/PWD Day-to-day Exhibit 2 2 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 6 LUD 3.1.3: Projects near rail corridors and arterials. Address air quality and noise impacts on new projects near rail corridors and arterials through appropriate site and building design, materials, and technologies. CDD Day-to-day 7 LUD 3.5.2: Diverse households. Support affordable housing development to serve a range of household types and incomes through strategies identified in the City’s Housing Element (Goals, Policies, and Implementation Programs). CDD EPC Priority Day-to-day Land Use and Access to Services 8 LUD 4.1.1: Accessibility and amenity improvements. Identify accessibility and connectivity improvements to and within neighborhood centers, and enhance pedestrian and bicycle facilities through City plans, Capital Improvement Projects, and during review of private development projects. CDD/PWD Day-to-day Neighborhoods Downtown 9 LUD 7.1.1: Downtown Committee. Maintain the Downtown Committee as an advisory committee that reviews Downtown policies and procedures. CDD Day-to-day 10 LUD 7.1.2: Downtown facilities. Support the use of Downtown facilities for civic events. All Departments Day-to-day 11 LUD 7.6.1: Manage parking strategies. Evaluate both short- and long- term parking strategies. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 3 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS Streetscapes and Public Spaces 12 LUD 8.1.1: Implement gateway improvements. Include gateway improvements where appropriate in plans such as the City’s Capital Improvement Program, new or amended Precise Plans, or other special plans, and through public and private development projects. Gateway improvements could include new and remodeled buildings, landscaping, plazas, and visual art elements. CDD/PWD Day-to-day Integrating Buildings into the Community 13 LUD 9.1.1: Implement design compatibility. Utilize precise plans, design guidelines, and zoning standards to ensure high-quality site and architectural design and compatibility between new and existing development. CDD Day-to-day 14 LUD 9.4.1: Complete Streets design standards. Adopt Complete Streets Design Standards and other pedestrian-oriented street design concepts from the Mobility Element. CDD/PWD EPC Priority Day-to-day Sustainable Building Design and Development 15 LUD 10.2.2: Protection of wildlife nursery sites. Require preconstruction surveys for nesting birds and/or roosting bats prior to any development that involves the removal of vegetation and/or demolition/restoration of abandoned structures (e.g., houses, barns, sheds, bridges). CDD/CSD Day-to-day 16 LUD 10.4.1: Support sustainability measures. Support programs and strategies to encourage community members to perform upgrades that address sustainability and healthy indoor environment goals. CDD EPC Priority Day-to-day 4 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 17 LUD 10.6.2: Minimize permit fees and timelines. Minimize permit fees and process timelines for the installation of on-site renewable energy technologies. CDD Day-to-day 18 LUD 10.10.1: Public outreach and education. Provide public outreach and education on sustainability practices through over-the-counter materials and online resources. CDD Day-to-day 19 LUD 10.10.2: Environmental education. Provide public environmental education by integrating visible examples of green technology into public buildings. CDD Day-to-day Historic Preservation 20 LUD 11.1.1: Register of Historic Resources. Maintain and update the Mountain View Register of Historic Resources. CDD Day-to-day 21 LUD 11.1.2: Promote historic resources. Encourage and promote public awareness of Mountain View’s historic and cultural resources. All Departments Day-to-day 22 LUD 11.1.3: Historic resource changes. Utilize the development review process to ensure that changes to historic resources are consistent with the U.S. Secretary of Interior Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. CDD Day-to-day 23 LUD 11.3.1: Early historic evaluation. Identify and evaluate historic and cultural resources early in the development review process. CDD Day-to-day 24 LUD 11.3.2: Assistance for historic properties. When possible, provide assistance for properties listed in the Mountain View Register of Historic Resources to be nominated as properties in the California and/or National Register of Historic Places. CDD Day-to-day 5 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 25 LUD 11.3.3: Register of Historic Resources benefits. Promote the benefits for properties listed on the Mountain View Register of Historic Resources. CDD Day-to-day 26 LUD 11.3.4: Mills Act contracts. Support Mills Act contracts to preserve historic resources. CDD Day-to-day 27 LUD 11.5.1: Review Historic Property Directory List. Prior to approval of development permits for projects that includes ground-disturbing activities. The most recent and updated Northwest Information Center list: Historic Property Directory for the County of Santa Clara shall be consulted to determine if known archaeological and paleontological sites underlie the proposed project. If it is determined that known cultural resources are within ¼ mile of the project site, the City shall require the project applicant to conduct a records search at the Northwest Information Center (NWIC) at Sonoma State University to confirm whether there are any recorded cultural resources within or adjacent to the project site. Based on that research, the City shall determine whether field study by a qualified cultural resources consultant is recommended. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 6 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 28 LUD 11.5.2: Pre-construction cultural resource surveys. Should City staff determine that field study for cultural resources is required, the project applicant shall have a cultural resource professional meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards in history and/or archaeology conduct a preconstruction survey to identify significant cultural resources – including archaeological sites, paleontological resources, and human remains – in the project site and provide project-specific recommendations, as needed. Coordination with local Native American communities should be done when significant cultural resources and remains are identified as part of pre-approval site analysis. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 29 LUD 11.5.3: Archaeological and paleontological standard conditions. Adopt and periodically update a set of standard mitigation measures and development conditions to address the discovery and identification of archaeological and paleontological deposits. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 7 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 30 LUD 11.6.1: Human Remains. Should human remains be found on a project site, no further excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby area reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent human remains shall be disturbed until the Santa Clara County Coroner is contacted and determines that no investigation of the cause of death is required. If an investigation is required, and the coroner determines the remains to be Native American then: (1) the coroner would contact the Native American Heritage Commission within 24 hours; (2) the Native American Heritage Commission would identify the person or persons it believes to be the most likely descended from the deceased native American; (3) the most likely descendent may make recommendations to the landowner or the person responsible for the excavation work, for means of treating or disposing of, with appropriate dignity, the human remains and any associated grave goods as provided in Public Resources Code Section 5097.98 and Health & Safety Code Section 7050.5. CDD/PWD Day-to-day Economic Development and Fiscal Stability Fiscal Stability 31 LUD 12.1.1: Financial Forecast. Maintain and update the City’s 10-year Financial Forecast. FIN Day-to-day 32 LUD 12.3.1: Fiscal impact analysis. Require fiscal impact analysis of proposed General Plan or Zoning Ordinance Amendments and major development projects. CDD Day-to-day 33 LUD 12.3.2: Conversion of industrial to residential lands policy. Maintain and update the City’s Policy on Converting Industrial to Residential Lands. CDD Day-to-day 8 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 34 LUD 12.5.1: Cost-saving projects. Develop, evaluate, and prioritize a list of projects that reduce operational expenses. CDD/CMO Day-to-day Local Economy Jobs and Innovation 35 LUD 14.3.1: Grant funding. Identify and pursue grant and funding opportunities to develop emerging technology pilot programs and services. All / IT Day-to-day 36 LUD 14.4.1: Develop Partnerships: Develop partnerships and market the City's business districts to local and regional organizations. CDD-ED Day-to-day CHANGE AREAS North Bayshore Innovation and Sustainability 37 LUD 15.1.1: Corporate and emerging technology focus. Market the North Bayshore Area to the corporate business community and to emerging technology businesses. CDD-ED Day-to-day Land Use and Design 38 LUD 16.1.1: Public easements. Ensure open space amenities, plazas, pathways, and park areas remain publicly accessible by requiring public easements, when necessary. CDD/PWD/CAO Day-to-day 9 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 39 LUD 16.1.2: Burrowing owl avoidance/protection during development. Require preconstruction surveys and protection measures for burrowing owls prior to any North Bayshore development activities on parcels that a qualified biologist has determined provide suitable underground retreats (e.g., ground squirrel burrows, debris piles, storm drain inlets) that could be occupied by either breeding or wintering owls. Consultation with the California Department of Fish and Game shall be required for any site on which burrowing owls are found during the preconstruction survey. CDD/CSD Day-to-day 40 LUD 16.1.3: Special-status plant surveys. Require preconstruction surveys for Congdon’s tarplant and other special-status plant species prior to development of any ruderal or grassland habitat in the North Bayshore area in accordance with CDFG protocols. CDD/CSD Day-to-day Mobility 41 LUD 17.1.1: Partnerships. Pursue public-private partnership opportunities to improve connectivity and integrate transportation systems. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 42 LUD 17.1.5: New North Bayshore Shuttle System. Develop strategies to incorporate existing shuttles into a new North Bayshore shuttle system. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 43 LUD 17.1.6: North Bayshore shuttle and Downtown. Improve connectivity and efficiency of shuttle service between the North Bayshore area and the Downtown transit center. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 10 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 44 LUD 17.1.7: City-wide shuttle integration. Evaluate the integration of the North Bayshore Shuttle System with a City-wide shuttle system. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 45 LUD 17.1.8: Future transportation options. Evaluate future North Bayshore transportation strategies, including fixed rail and Personal Rapid Transit options. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 46 LUD 17.2.2: Traffic management plan. Update the City’s traffic management plan for Shoreline Amphitheatre events. CMO/POL 47 LUD 17.3.2: Trail access. Improve access to Permanente and Stevens Creeks and Bay Trails. CDD/CSD EPC Priority Day-to-day Sea-Level Rise East Whisman El Camino Real 48 LUD 20.7.1: Implement pedestrian improvements. Implement pedestrian improvements identified in the Pedestrian Master Plan and through private development projects. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 49 LUD 20.9.1: Bus Rapid Transit design. Work with the VTA on the design of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service. PWD/CDD Day-to-day San Antonio Moffett Boulevard 50 LUD 23.7.1: Improve connectivity. Develop and implement strategies to encourage transit, pedestrian, and bicycle access and connectivity along and across the Central Expressway corridor. PWD/CDD EPC Priority Day-to-day 11 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS Mobility Complete Streets 51 MOB 1.1.1: Mobility plans. Ensure mobility master plans include or reference priority project lists intended to maintain and enhance the multi-modal transportation system. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 52 MOB 1.1.2: Multi-modal design. Update street design standards to address roadway function, adjacent land use, and accommodations for all modes. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 53 MOB 1.1.3: Existing resources. Consult existing resources for design guidance in developing street design standards. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 54 MOB 1.2.1: Complete Streets. Implement complete streets policies and standards in new street design standards, new streets projects, and in street rehabilitation projects. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 55 MOB 1.2.2: Grand Boulevard Initiative. Implement principles of the Grand Boulevard Initiative along El Camino Real. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 56 MOB 1.2.3: Targeted standards. Consider additional corridor-specific and/or Precise Plan-based street design standards and guidelines to enhance multi-modal environments (for example, streets, sidewalks, landscaping, and furniture). CDD/PWD Day-to-day 57 MOB 1.3.1: Pedestrian and bicycle connections. Ensure Precise Plans and zoning standards include guidelines for public greenways to create strong pedestrian and bicycle connections, particularly in locations where large blocks are prevalent and vehicular through-connections may not be feasible. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 12 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 58 MOB 1.3.2: Development review. Use the development review process to identify and implement pedestrian and bicycle improvements in private development projects and along adjacent street frontages. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 59 MOB 1.3.4: Grade separations. Support plans for new grade-separated infrastructure (for example, bridges and underpasses) and updates to existing infrastructure consistent with grade separation policies, to reduce conflicts between modes and improve accommodations for non- automotive travel. PWD Day-to-day 60 MOB 1.4.1: Street grid. Identify and leverage opportunities for a street grid of smaller blocks and improved connections as parcels redevelop. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 61 MOB 1.4.2: Municipal uses. Review street design standards to ensure they consider utility infrastructure, emergency access, and service access needs. PWD Day-to-day 62 MOB 1.5.1: Connected network. During review of new subdivisions and major redevelopments, ensure new development provides or enhances a highly interconnected transportation network. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 63 MOB 1.6.1: Traffic calming. Provide traffic calming improvements through the City’s Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP). PWD Day-to-day 64 MOB 1.6.2: Neighborhood Traffic Management Program. Update NTMP guidelines to ensure they include up-to-date traffic calming design options. PWD Day-to-day 13 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS Accessibility 65 MOB 2.1.1: Sidewalks and lighting. Encourage separated sidewalks and lighting during review of new development projects and significant rehabilitation or expansion projects. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 66 MOB 2.1.2: ADA accessibility. Implement and enforce requirements for ADA accessibility at public facilities and during review of private development projects (for example, disabled parking, paths of travel, building access, curb ramps, etc.). CDD/PWD Day-to-day 67 MOB 2.1.3: Transportation plans. Ensure bicycle, pedestrian, and other transportation plans consider access improvements to public facilities, programs, and services. PWD Day-to-day 68 MOB 2.1.4: Transit providers. Coordinate with transit providers responsible for implementing accessible transit and paratransit services to accommodate the needs of Mountain View residents. PWD Day-to-day Walkability 69 MOB 3.1.1: Pedestrian Master Plan. Regularly update and implement the goals, policies, and actions of the Pedestrian Master Plan. PWD Day-to-day 70 MOB 3.1.2: Sidewalk database. Maintain a database of missing sidewalk segments and explore opportunities to close gaps in the sidewalk network. PWD Day-to-day 71 MOB 3.1.3: Pedestrian paths. Include publicly accessible pedestrian paths in major new developments and public facilities, and ensure that they are clearly identified and safe. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 14 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 72 MOB 3.1.4: Curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. Implement existing policy to install curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, where desired on unimproved local streets and identify funding for the improvements. PWD Day-to-day 73 MOB 3.1.6: Sustainable streetscapes. Consider adopting and/or updating sustainable streetscape standards and guidelines for public improvements and frontage design of private development aimed at creating attractive pedestrian environments, particularly along high- traffic roadways. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 74 MOB 3.2.1: Connections through superblocks. Develop pedestrian improvement standards aimed at breaking down large blocks, where vehicular intersections are not feasible or desirable. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 75 MOB 3.2.2: Existing neighborhoods. Identify and enhance pedestrian and bicycle facilities and connections through existing neighborhoods to commercial locations and amenities. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 76 MOB 3.2.3: Pedestrian crossings to parks. Improve and enhance pedestrian crossings to parks and other public facilities in accordance with current standards and best engineering practices. PWD/CSD Day-to-day 77 MOB 3.2.4: Safety and security. Encourage building design features in new developments, such as windows and entries that orient towards public pathways, to improve the safety and security of pedestrians. CDD Day-to-day 78 MOB 3.3.2: Pedestrian connections. Identify and prioritize pedestrian access to connect neighborhood cul-de-sacs and connect neighborhoods to the City-wide trail system. PWD/CSD Day-to-day 15 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 79 MOB 3.4.1: Roadway reductions. Identify opportunities to reduce roadway widths at specific intersections and along key corridors to enhance pedestrian and bicycle facilities, including landscape amenities. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 80 MOB 3.5.1: Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee. Support the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) work on pedestrian and bicycle facility projects. PWD Day-to-day 81 MOB 3.5.2: Programs to promote walking. Implement new and enhanced sustainability and health programs that promote walking and bicycling. CMO/PWD Day-to-day Bikeability 82 MOB 4.1.1: Bicycle Transportation Plan. Regularly update and implement a comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan (BTP), including identification of projects that extend and improve the on-street bicycle network, and consideration of bicycling mode-share targets to achieve a well-utilized network. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 83 MOB 4.1.2: Funding. Seek funding and revenue sources to install bicycle network improvements and parking. PWD Day-to-day 84 MOB 4.2.1: Off-street trails. Maintain and extend the City’s off-street trail network to improve bicycle and pedestrian access, including Stevens Creek, Hetch Hetchy Trail, and Permanente Creek Trail. PWD/CSD Day-to-day 16 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 85 MOB 4.3.1: Public bicycle parking. Enhance the availability of convenient and publicly accessible bicycle parking facilities at transit stations and ensure availability on public and private property at key commercial locations such as Downtown. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 86 MOB 4.5.1: Bicycle education. Provide bicycle education and promotion programs. PWD Day-to-day Transit 87 MOB 5.1.1: Commuter rail. Actively support commuter rail in Santa Clara County and along the Peninsula. PWD Day-to-day 88 MOB 5.1.2: Light rail. Actively support enhanced existing light rail service to transit-oriented employment centers and residential development in Mountain View. PWD Day-to-day 89 MOB 5.1.3: Protection from negative effects. Collaborate with service providers in transit planning processes to support designs that address visual, noise, and vibration impacts and avoid creating barriers that divide the community. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 90 MOB 5.1.4: Caltrans and VTA. Plan for and work with Caltrans and VTA to implement BRT improvements along El Camino Real that reflect the City’s needs and interests. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 91 MOB 5.1.5: Transit prioritization. Collaborate with Caltrans and VTA to consider additional signal timing adjustment and transit prioritization to minimize transit delay along El Camino Real, in coordination with service needs of other modes of travel (for example, pedestrian crossing, vehicle travel along corridor, etc.). PWD Day-to-day 17 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 92 MOB 5.1.6: Transit outreach. Provide informational and promotional support for new and existing transit services. PWD Day-to-day 93 MOB 5.2.1: California High-Speed Rail Corridor. Work with the California High-Speed Rail Authority to provide enhanced pedestrian and bicycle access as well as economic development opportunities along and across the rail corridor. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 94 MOB 5.2.2: Community preservation. Support the preservation of the Downtown business district, historic buildings, pedestrian-friendly environment, and adjacent residential character along the rail corridor. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 95 MOB 5.2.3: Downtown circulation. Support protection of Downtown Transit Center operations and access, Downtown mobility, and Central Expressway level of service from impacts of high-speed rail. PWD Day-to-day 96 MOB 5.3.1: City-wide shuttles. Study a possible City-wide shuttle system in coordination with VTA, employers, project developers, and other stakeholders. PWD EPC Priority Day-to-day 97 MOB 5.3.2: Caltrain and VTA. Work with Caltrain and VTA to maintain and enhance convenient, ADA-accessible train, light rail, bus, and shuttle service. PWD Day-to-day 98 MOB 5.3.3: Bicycle amenities. Encourage bicycle amenities and access on public transit. PWD Day-to-day 99 MOB 5.4.1: NASA/Ames. Partner with NASA/Ames Research Park to plan and fund transportation connections with Mountain View, including potential shuttle, bicycle, and pedestrian connections to Downtown, North Bayshore and East Whisman. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 18 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 100 MOB 5.4.2: Shuttle access. Support improvements for continued shuttle access to the Downtown Transit Center and Caltrain. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 101 MOB 5.5.1: Multi-modal station access. Collaborate with Caltrain, VTA, and the High-Speed Rail Authority to optimize station access for all modes, provide safe routes to transit, and ensure adequate bicycle and automobile station parking. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 102 MOB 5.5.2: Caltrain station access. Support Caltrain station improvements identified in the Caltrain Bicycle Access and Parking Plan, and prioritize non-single occupancy vehicle modes of access. PWD Day-to-day Safe Routes to Schools 103 MOB 6.1.1: Funding. Pursue public and private agency grant funding sources for safe routes to schools programs. PWD Day-to-day 104 MOB 6.2.1: Filling gaps. Identify opportunities to install sidewalks, pathways, and bicycle facilities, which may include right-of-way acquisition, to complete gaps along routes to schools. PWD EPC Priority Day-to-day 105 MOB 6.3.1: Trail access. Plan and construct school-accessible trailheads or neighborhood access points. PWD Day-to-day 106 MOB 6.4.1: Education and outreach. Work with the school districts to develop and distribute safe routes to schools plans and information. PWD Day-to-day Vehicle Parking 107 MOB 7.2.1: Reducing negative effects of parking. Require new parking to be accessed from secondary streets, minimizing the width and number of driveways into a parking facility, and screening parking areas with landscaping or wrapping with active uses. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 19 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS Performance Measurement 108 MOB 8.1.1: Transportation analysis for new development. Coordinate with the Santa Clara County Congestion Management Agency to periodically update the City’s transportation analysis requirements for new development, including evaluation criteria, significance thresholds, and mitigation guidelines for environmental analysis (CEQA/NEPA). PWD/CDD Day-to-day 109 MOB 8.1.3: Interim level of service (LOS) standards. Until adoption of new significance thresholds of performance indicators occurs, the Citywide vehicle LOS standards from the 1992 General Plan, which include a target peak hour LOS policy of LOS D for all intersections and roadway segments, with the following exceptions in high-demand areas: • Use LOS E for intersections and street segments within the Downtown and San Antonio areas where vitality, activity and multi-modal transportation use are primary goals; and • Use LOS E for intersections and street segments on CMP designated roadways in Mountain View (e.g., El Camino, Central Expressway and San Antonio Road). PWD/CDD Day-to-day Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Air Quality 110 MOB 9.1.2: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan. Regularly update the GGRP to address transportation emissions reductions. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 111 MOB 9.2.1: Mixed-use in higher densities. Seek to create higher- intensity mixed-use districts along transit, bicycle, and pedestrian corridors. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 20 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 112 MOB 9.2.2: Alternative modes. Promote walking, bicycling, transit and other highly efficient modes of transportation to reduce per capita vehicle miles traveled. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 113 MOB 9.3.1: Municipal vehicles. Minimize emissions from City-owned and operated vehicles through equipment retrofit, purchasing of more efficient models, changes in operation protocols, or other actions. FIN/PWD Day-to-day 114 MOB 9.3.2: Sustainable infrastructure. Support the installation of innovative, sustainable infrastructure for low-emission vehicles (for example, electric charging stations, etc.). CDD/PWD Day-to-day Vehicles and Roadway System Efficiency 115 MOB 10.1.1: Congestion. Limit congestion to portions of the transportation network that have the least impact on the City’s residential neighborhoods. PWD Day-to-day 116 MOB 10.1.2: Roadway System Management. Use Transportation Systems Management (TSM) principles when considering roadway system improvement projects to improve traffic flow, in balance with the needs of other modes. PWD Day-to-day 117 MOB 10.1.3: Roadway improvements. Include roadway operation improvement requirements as part of the review process for new development and significant rehabilitation or expansion projects. PWD Day-to-day 118 MOB 10.1.4: Surrounding jurisdictions. Collaborate with surrounding jurisdictions and transit agencies such as VTA to implement intelligent transportation systems and minimize the potential negative impacts on Mountain View from projects in surrounding jurisdictions. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 21 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 119 MOB 10.2.4: Project design. Ensure development project designs support achievement of TDM measures. CDD/PWD Day-to-day Maintenance 120 MOB 11.1.1: New funding sources. Ensure mobility plans include opportunities for new funding sources to implement system improvements. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 121 MOB 11.2.1: Pavement Management System. Maintain a Pavement Management System and regularly report on pavement conditions. PWD Day-to-day 122 MOB 11.2.2: Pedestrian facilities. Ensure sidewalks and pathways remain free of obstacles that impair accessibility. PWD Day-to-day 123 MOB 11.3.1: Project funding. Emphasize funding for alternatives to single-passenger vehicle facilities when appropriating money for transportation projects. PWD Day-to-day 124 MOB 11.4.1: Demonstration projects. Identify and implement demonstration projects that create system efficiencies and cost savings. PWD Day-to-day Infrastructure and Conservation City-wide Infrastructure 125 INC 1.1.1: Infrastructure upgrade. Develop appropriate procedures for upgrades to existing infrastructure. PWD Day-to-day 126 INC 1.1.2: Infrastructure replacement. Identify and replace end of life infrastructure as necessary. PWD Day-to-day 22 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 127 INC 1.2.1: Fee structure. Develop and implement a fee structure establishing how the City will share the cost of infrastructure upgrades made necessary by new development. PWD/FIN Day-to-day 128 INC 1.5.1: Coordination with utilities. Work with utility providers to promote information-sharing and to ensure proper maintenance of utility infrastructure. PWD Day-to-day 129 INC 1.6.1: Sustainable materials for maintenance. Research and consider the use of sustainable or green construction materials during maintenance projects. PWD/CSD Day-to-day 130 INC 2.1.1: Water shortages. Be prepared to mitigate water shortages due to drought, disaster, infrastructure failure or other service interruptions. PWD Day-to-day 131 INC 2.1.2: Sewer. Mitigate sewer disposal, due to disaster, infrastructure failure, or other service interruption. PWD Day-to-day 132 INC 2.4.1: Criteria for vulnerable areas. Create specific design criteria for sensitive and vulnerable areas such as the North Bayshore area due to their unique environmental conditions. CDD/CSD Day-to-day 133 INC 2.4.2: Emergency service restoration plan. Create and maintain an emergency service restoration plan for all critical infrastructure – including potable water, wastewater, storm water, recycled water, telecommunications, energy and streets – in case of disaster, infrastructure failure or other service interruptions. PWD Day-to-day 134 INC 3.1.1: Monitoring rights-of-way. Prioritize physical improvements to streets, sidewalks and other public rights-of-way based on regular monitoring of their condition. PWD Day-to-day 23 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 135 INC 3.1.2: Upgrades to unimproved streets. Review policies and procedures for when and how to upgrade unimproved streets, remaining sensitive to the unique character, aesthetics, equity and desires of residents in the City’s different neighborhoods. PWD Day-to-day 136 INC 3.1.3: Recycled content paving material. Seek opportunities to use paving material that has recycled content. PWD Day-to-day Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Potable Water Supply 137 INC 4.1.1: Urban Water Management Plan and Water Master Plan. Comply with provisions of the City’s Urban Water Management Plan and the Water Master Plan and regularly update them to reflect long-term land use planning decisions. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 138 INC 4.1.2: Groundwater quality and regulations. Closely monitor groundwater quality as well as any changing rules and regulations regarding the City’s access to groundwater, revising plans as necessary to reflect any relevant changes to the groundwater supply. PWD Day-to-day 139 INC 4.1.3: City reservoir storage. Regularly review reservoir capacity to ensure the City meets recommended storage amounts. PWD Day-to-day 140 INC 4.2.1: Water contracts. Work with other local agencies and water wholesalers to maintain the City’s existing water contracts and Supply Guaranties. PWD Day-to-day 141 INC 4.2.2: Access to imported water supply. Monitor changing rules and regulations regarding the City’s access to imported water supply. PWD Day-to-day 24 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 142 INC 4.3.1: Water main replacement. Execute the annual water main replacement program and budget. PWD Day-to-day Water Conservation 143 INC 5.1.1: Public education. Implement public education programs about water conservation and efficiency, including education at schools. PWD Day-to-day 144 INC 5.1.2: Large consumers. Target water use efficiency outreach towards larger water customers. PWD Day-to-day 145 INC 5.2.1: Incentives and requirements. Create incentives and develop regulations that encourage water use efficiency, water conservation and recycled water use. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 146 INC 5.7.1: City demonstration projects. Administer demonstration projects such as water-wise gardens and rain gardens. CSD/PWD Day-to-day Wastewater 147 INC 6.1.1: Sewer Master Plan. Maintain and update the City’s Sewer Master Plan (SMP) as necessary, to reflect long-term land use planning decisions. PWD Day-to-day 148 INC 6.1.2: Anticipating future wastewater generation. Anticipate future wastewater generation by regularly updating the Sewer Master Plan (SMP) to reflect long-term land use planning decisions. PWD Day-to-day 149 INC 6.1.3: Monitoring. Monitor the condition of the sanitary sewer collection system and continue to make improvements by maintaining and updating the Sanitary Sewer Management Plan (SSMP). PWD/CAO/FIR Day-to-day 25 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 150 INC 6.1.4: Sanitary Sewer Overflows. Maintain programs to prevent sanitary sewer overflows. PWD Day-to-day 151 INC 6.1.5: Wastewater conveyance outside City limits. Allow conveyance and treatment of wastewater by City infrastructure for the City of Los Altos, portions of Moffett Field and NASA/Ames and other areas outside City limits as mutually beneficial. PWD/CAO Day-to-day 152 INC 6.1.6: NASA/Ames sanitary sewer discharge. Renew sanitary sewer discharge agreement with NASA/Ames. CAO/PWD Day-to-day 153 INC 6.2.1: Pollution prevention. Actively partner with the Palo Alto Regional Water Quality Control Plant (PARWQCP), implementing policies to control inflow and infiltration sources, and reducing wastewater loading of pollutants, such as metals, pharmaceuticals and other emerging pollutants that may pass through the wastewater treatment system. PWD/FIR Day-to-day 154 INC 6.2.2: Industrial pollution control monitoring. Conduct industrial inspection and monitoring programs to ensure that required controls are installed and maintained and that applicable discharge limits are met. FIR Day-to-day 155 INC 6.2.4: Commercial pollution control monitoring. Implement commercial inspection programs to control discharges that may create hazardous conditions in the City’s sewer system or may cause sewer overflows. FIR Day-to-day 26 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 156 INC 6.2.5: Source controls in new development. Control potential pollutant sources from new facilities or developments by requiring source controls during the planning and building plan check review process. PWD/CDD/FIR Day-to-day Recycled Water 157 INC 7.1.3: Promoting recycled water. Promote additional uses of recycled water within state-approved regulations. PWD Day-to-day 158 INC 7.1.4: Selling recycled water. Investigate opportunities to sell recycled water to neighboring jurisdictions. PWD/FIN Day-to-day 159 INC 7.1.5: Recycled water at NASA/Ames. Support the continued and expanded use of recycled water at NASA/Ames Research Center and Moffett Field. PWD/CDD Day-to-day Stormwater 160 INC 8.1.1: Stormwater Master Plan. Update and maintain the Stormwater Master Plan as necessary. PWD Day-to-day 161 INC 8.1.2: Upgrade undersized drainage pipes. Provide funding and infrastructure to remove cross culverts. PWD Day-to-day 162 INC 8.1.3: Low Impact Development (LID). Maximize opportunities to design and construct LID Stormwater treatment controls at new development and redevelopment projects through efforts to educate developers and project engineers and implementation of the development review process. FIR/CDD Day-to-day 163 INC 8.1.4: Infrastructure upgrade. Develop appropriate procedures for upgrades to existing infrastructure. PWD Day-to-day 27 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 164 INC 8.3.1: Best practices in City operations. Implement pollution prevention Best Management Practices while conducting municipal operations, such as street sweeping, water utility operations, storm drain maintenance and sanitary sewer. PWD/FIR Day-to-day 165 INC 8.4.1: Inter-agency collaboration. Participate in the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program (SCVURPPP) and work collaboratively with other permitted agencies to achieve compliance with multiple requirements, such as monitoring and public education, in a cost effective manner. FIR Day-to-day 166 INC 8.4.2: Storm water pollution sources. Conduct inspection programs to identify and eliminate sources of Stormwater pollution. FIR Day-to-day 167 INC 8.4.3: Pollutants of Concern. Implement programs to minimize potential discharges of pollutants of concern, such as mercury, copper, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDEs), legacy pesticides, selenium, or other pollutants of concern that may be identified during the timeframe of the General Plan. FIR Day-to-day 168 INC 8.4.4: Outdoor water conservation. Minimize overwatering from irrigation systems and encourage outdoor water conservation, which decreases the burden on the Stormwater system. CSD/PWD Day-to-day 169 INC 8.6.1: Emerging technologies. Evaluate and update development and design standards for Stormwater treatment to reflect prevailing or emerging technologies. FIR/CDD/PWD Day-to-day 170 INC 8.7.1: Storm inlet stencils. Ensure storm inlets are stenciled with a “No Dumping, Flows to Bay” or similar text to educate the public about storm drain pollution. PWD/FIR Day-to-day 28 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS Solid Waste and Recycling 171 INC 10.1.1: Zero waste action plan. Adopt and implement a Zero Waste Action Plan. PWD Day-to-day 172 INC 10.1.2: Public education. Provide comprehensive and ongoing public education and promotion programs to encourage residents and businesses to reduce waste and participate in recycling programs. PWD Day-to-day 173 INC 10.1.3: Large consumers. Target recycling and reuse outreach towards large commercial and industrial customers. PWD Day-to-day 174 INC 10.3.1: Source Reduction and Recycling Element. Implement the programs described in the Mountain View Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE). PWD Day-to-day 175 INC 10.7.1: Recycled content advocacy. Advocate for local, state and federal legislation that will increase use of recycled content products. PWD Day-to-day 176 INC 10.7.2: Recycled content promotion. Educate and encourage residents and businesses to use products with recycled content. PWD Day-to-day 177 INC 10.9.1: Preferential purchasing. Periodically review and update the City’s Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy (EP3). FIN/PWD Day-to-day 178 INC 11.2.1: Drop-off site. Maintain a convenient City-operated accessible recycling drop-off and redemption site. PWD Day-to-day 179 INC 11.2.2: Recycling receptacle storage. Require adequate, accessible and convenient areas for the storage and collection of recyclable materials in all new developments. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 29 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 180 INC 11.4.1: Refuse disposal capacity. Assure that the City possesses a minimum of five years of refuse disposal capacity at all times. PWD Day-to-day 181 INC 11.6.1: Service pricing. Assess services to ensure they are convenient and competitively priced. PWD/FIN Day-to-day Climate Change 182 INC 12.2.1: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan. Adopt and regularly update a City-wide Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan (GGRP). CDD/PWD Day-to-day 183 INC 12.2.3: Emissions reductions. Reduce community-wide and government operations greenhouse gas emissions pursuant to adopted targets. CDD/PWD Day-to-day Energy Production and Consumption 184 INC 13.1.1: Building energy conservation and efficiency. Develop and implement a plan to increase energy efficiency and conservation in public buildings and infrastructure. CDD/CSD/PWD Day-to-day 185 INC 13.3.1: Efficiency in development review. Use the development review process to inform developers of the advantages of energy efficiency in buildings, including passive solar design. CDD Day-to-day 186 INC 14.1.2: Promoting renewables. Regularly investigate and publicize opportunities for community members or the City to utilize renewable energy technologies such as solar, co-generation or wind. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 187 INC 14.1.3: Methane extraction. Extract methane gas from the sanitary landfill for energy production. PWD Day-to-day 30 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 188 INC 14.1.4: Renewables in development review. Use the development review process to inform developers of the advantages of renewable energy production, including wind and solar. CDD Day-to-day 189 INC 14.2.1: Sustainable design. Incorporate sustainable design features into new City facilities. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 190 INC 14.1.5: Incentives for Renewables. Develop a program of incentives, fee waivers or other strategies to facilitate community members installing renewable energy technologies. FIN/PWD/CDD Day-to-day Green Building 191 INC 15.1.1: Green building requirements. Create and administer community-wide green building requirements. Regularly update them and track development of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design-New Construction (LEED-NC), Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design-Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND), Green Point Rated or other relevant green building standards as they relate to the City’s green building objectives. CDD EPC Priority Day-to-day 192 INC 15.1.2: Other green building regulations. Monitor state green building requirements such as CalGREEN, as well as any other relevant regional, state or federal standards and requirements and ensure the City’s green building program meets or exceeds these and all applicable standards and regulations. CDD Day-to-day 193 INC 15.1.4: Staff training. Provide regular staff training on green building practices, regulations and standards. CDD Day-to-day 31 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 194 INC 15.2.1: Visible green technology. Provide public environmental education by integrating visible examples of green technology into public buildings. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 195 INC 15.2.2: Green building education. Provide fact sheets and other materials on the City’s web site and at City offices. CDD Day-to-day Species and Habitat 196 INC 16.1.1: Habitat corridors. Identify and preserve wildlife habitat corridors through the City. CSD EPC Priority Day-to-day 197 INC 16.1.2: Water replenishment. Enable sufficient surface water replenishment and protect surface water quality to enable groundwater percolation and provide habitat for wildlife. FIR/PWD Day-to-day 198 INC 16.1.3: Water quality. Support efforts by the Santa Clara Valley Water District to preserve water, habitat and riparian quality in the creeks within the City, including implementing the Santa Clara Valley Water Resources Protection Collaborative Guidelines and Standards for Land Use Near Streams. CDD/PWD/FIR Day-to-day 199 INC 16.1.4: Volunteer creek clean-up. Encourage volunteer creek clean- ups. CSD/FIR Day-to-day 200 INC 16.3.1: Burrowing owl. Evaluate and maintain burrowing owl habitat through the Burrowing Owl Preservation Management Plan (BOPMP). CDD Day-to-day 201 INC 16.4.1: Invasive species. Identify invasive species and their associated risks, contain these species and reduce their amounts wherever feasible. CSD Day-to-day 32 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 202 INC 16.5.1: Tidal marshes. Maintain Charleston Slough within Shoreline at Mountain View and creeks as wildlife habitat. CSD/PWD Day-to-day Watershed and Floodplain Management 203 INC 17.1.1: Inter-agency coordination. Coordinate with the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) on flood-related issues. PWD Day-to-day 204 INC 17.1.2: Fee structure. Review and update the procedure and fee structure for the cost of system upgrades made necessary by new development, considering the possibility of new impact and maintenance fees. PWD/FIN Day-to-day 205 INC 17.4.1: Flood zones. Continue to review development in areas identified by the General Plan Flood Zone Map and FEMA flood zone maps for compliance with the City’s Drainage and Flood Control Ordinance. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 206 Soil and Groundwater Contamination 207 INC 18.1.1: Enforcing existing regulations. Enforce local codes and support State and Federal regulations to prevent contamination of groundwater resources. FIR Day-to-day 208 INC 18.1.3: Abandoned wells. Support the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) to locate and seal abandoned wells in accordance with state standards to protect groundwater quality. PWD Day-to-day 209 INC 18.1.4: Monitoring well permitting. Support the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) to locate monitoring wells to protect groundwater quality. PWD Day-to-day 33 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 210 INC 18.1.5: Abandoned sites. Monitor, prevent, and remediate contamination from abandoned sites. PWD/FIR/CMO Day-to-day 211 INC 18.1.6: Shallow groundwater. Monitor shallow groundwater quality and ensure it meets or exceeds state and federal requirements. FIR/CMO/PWD Day-to-day 212 INC 18.2.2: Inter-agency coordination. Provide local information and other assistance to state, regional, and federal agencies that oversee cleanup of groundwater contamination in Mountain View. CDD/CMO Day-to-day 213 INC 18.2.3: Vulnerability study. Support the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) vulnerability study. PWD Day-to-day 214 INC 18.2.4: Vapor intrusion. Monitor and address soil quality and incidences of vapor intrusion. CDD/CMO Day-to-day Integrated Pest Management 215 INC 19.1.1: Integrated Pest Management Plan. Maintain and regularly update the City’s Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPMP). CSD/FIR Day-to-day 216 INC 19.2.1: Pesticide use tracking. Maintain a database to track the amount of pesticides applied at City facilities. CSD/FIR Day-to-day Air Quality 217 INC 20.1.1: Wood-burning ordinance. Enforce the City’s wood-burning ordinance. CDD Day-to-day 218 INC 20.1.2: Air quality through California Environmental Quality Act. Use the development review process to evaluate the cumulative effects of new development on air quality and impose appropriate mitigation measures through the CEQA process. CDD Day-to-day 34 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 219 INC 20.2.1: Sensitive receptors. Utilize Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) guidelines to protect residential uses and other sensitive receptors from stationary sources of pollution. CDD Day-to-day 220 INC 20.2.2: Regional Clean Air Plan. Cooperate with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) in implementing the regional Clean Air Plan. CDD Day-to-day 221 INC 20.2.3: Congestion Management Plan. Work with the Congestion Management Agency (CMA) to implement the Congestion Management Plan (CMP). CDD/PWD Day-to-day 222 INC 20.2.4: Regulation of specific businesses. Improve awareness of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s enforcement program to regulate specific businesses, especially those near residential neighborhoods. CDD/CMO Day-to-day 223 INC 20.3.1: Pollution prevention. Encourage the community and City employees to minimize single-occupancy auto travel through employer incentives and other strategies. CDD/PWD/CMO Day-to-day 224 INC 20.6.1: Conditions for development and grading. Adopt and periodically update standard mitigation measures and development conditions for dust, particulate, and exhaust control standard measures for demolition and grading activities in compliance with the BAAQMD CEQA Air Quality Guidelines. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 35 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 225 INC 20.7.1: Protection of sensitive receptors. Adopt procedures to require health risk assessments, emissions analysis and risk reduction plans in accordance with BAAQMD-recommended procedures for sensitive land uses, and establish standard mitigation measures and development conditions to comply with BAAQMD standards. CDD Day-to-day Parks, Open Space and Community Facilities Parks and Open Space 226 POS 1.1.1: Acquire open space. Acquire and develop open space consistent with the priorities established by the Parks and Open Space Plan (POSP). CSD/PWD Day-to-day 227 POS 1.1.2: Implement park land dedication ordinance. Use the park land dedication provisions of the City’s Subdivision Ordinance to provide land or fees for parks. The requirements are a condition of residential project approval. PWD/CSD Day-to-day 228 POS 1.1.3: Use creative approaches to increase park land. Use creative and innovative means, such as easements, leases, cooperative agreements and grants from other agencies and organizations, to increase park and open space resources. CAO/CSD/CDD/P WD Day-to-day 229 POS 1.1.4: Update Park and Open Space Plan. Update the Parks and Open Space Plan every three years. CSD Day-to-day 230 POS 1.1.5: Maintain inventory. Maintain an inventory of public and private properties for potential purchase and redevelopment as public open space. PWD/CSD Day-to-day 231 POS 2.1.1: Explore third community park. Explore strategies to build a third community park, north of Central Expressway. CSD Day-to-day 36 232 POS 2.3.1: Ensure safe access across streets and barriers. Utilize the Parks and Open Space Plan, Bicycle Transportation Plan, Pedestrian Master Plan, and other plans, and collaborate with other governmental agencies to ensure that open space resources can be safely accessed across streets and other barriers. PWD/CSD Day-to-day 233 POS 2.5.1: Use preservation criteria in Parks and Open Space Plan. Utilize the POSP’s preservation criteria to evaluate the purchase or preservation of surplus school sites. CSD/PWD Day-to-day 234 POS 3.1.1: Develop environmental education programs. Develop environmental education programs, services, and facilities. CSD Day-to-day 235 POS 3.1.2: Plant native species in natural areas. Plant native and/or drought-tolerant species in natural areas such as the Stevens Creek Trail and Shoreline at Mountain View. CSD Day-to-day 236 POS 4.1.1: Notify residents. Notify residents of open space projects. CSD Day-to-day 237 POS 4.2.1: Design for safety. Design for park safety and security. CSD/PWD Day-to-day 238 POS 4.2.2: Consider neighbors. Recognize and respect the need for privacy and security of neighboring residents when developing parks, trails, and other open spaces. CSD/PWD Day-to-day 239 POS 5.1.1: Schools as neighborhood centers. Collaborate with the Mountain View Whisman school district to explore using school sites as neighborhood centers. The centers could provide out-of-school activities, family programming and services, intergenerational activities and neighborhood events. CSD Day-to-day 37 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 240 POS 5.1.2: Mountain View High School open space joint use. Explore development of an agreement with the Mountain View-Los Altos Union High school District for joint use of the open space at Mountain View High School for public use. CSD Day-to-day Programs and Services 241 POS 7.1.1: Develop programs for all ages and abilities. Develop programs and activities for residents of all ages and ability levels consistent with the City’s Recreation Plan and Youth Action Plan. CSD/LIB Day-to-day 242 POS 7.1.2: Develop diverse programs. Create planning programs relevant to the City’s cultural diversity. CSD/CMO/LIB Day-to-day 243 POS 7.1.3: Develop community facilities. Develop safe and attractive facilities for adolescents and young adults, seniors, and other populations with special needs, throughout the community. CSD/PWD Day-to-day 244 POS 7.1.4: Work with City commissions and committees. Work with the Parks and Recreation Commission (PRC), Senior Advisory Committee (SAC), and the Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) on recreation programming. CSD/CMO Day-to-day 245 POS 7.1.5: Improve technology. Consider innovative technological improvements and strategies that will serve diverse future community needs. CSD/CMO/LIB/IT Day-to-day 246 POS 7.1.6: Accessing City services. Explore strategies to make accessing City services easier and more user-friendly. CMO/CSD Day-to-day 247 POS 8.1.1: Improve access. Collaborate with public and private entities to improve access to child care. CMO/CSD Day-to-day 38 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 248 POS 8.1.2: Connect providers and clients. Utilize Santa Clara County’s Local Needs Assessment for Child Care to connect child-care providers with client populations. CMO/CSD Day-to-day 249 POS 8.1.4: Integrate child care into other uses. Encourage and support integration of child-care facilities with transit trips and within large development projects. CMO/CDD Day-to-day 250 POS 8.1.5: Support operations. Provide support and information that enhance child-care provider operations. CMO/CDD/CSD Day-to-day 251 POS 8.1.6: Provide references. Maintain and make available a reference and referral list of center-based and family child care providers in the City. CMO Day-to-day 252 POS 8.1.7: Enhance quality and standards. Participate in local efforts to enhance child-care quality, and community care licensing standards. CMO Day-to-day 253 POS 8.1.8: Promote accessibility and affordability. Work with the Mountain View Whisman School District to continue making preschool and after-school child-care accessible to low-income families and available on school campuses. CSD/CMO Day-to-day Arts 254 POS 10.1.1: Maintain Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts. Maintain the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts as an important community resource. CSD/CMO Day-to-day 39 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 255 POS 10.1.2: Utilize Performing Arts Committee. Utilize the Performing Arts Committee (PAC) to support programs and operations of the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts, to advocate for the arts in public venues and to promote music, theater, dance, and other performing arts. CSD Day-to-day 256 POS 11.1.1: Encourage public art. Encourage public art to be included within public and private development projects, with specific emphasis in key planning areas identified for significant change. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 257 POS 11.1.2: Acquire public art. Retain and develop programs to acquire significant works of public art by supporting the One Percent for Art Program and the Public Arts for all Capital Improvement Projects. CDD/CSD Day-to-day 258 POS 11.1.3: Maintain Visual Arts Committee. Maintain the Visual Arts Committee (VAC) to guide the acquisition of public art and promote other visual arts programs. CDD Day-to-day Trees, Gardens and Landscaping 259 POS 12.1.1: Maintain tree inventory. Maintain a comprehensive inventory of street trees and trees in public spaces in order to determine where to allocate resources to maintain or replace trees. CSD Day-to-day 260 POS 12.1.2: Publicize tree ordinance. Publicize and enforce the Heritage Tree Ordinance. CSD Day-to-day 261 POS 12.1.3: Identify funding source. Identify a funding source to assist lower-income property owners with maintaining Heritage trees on their property. CSD Day-to-day 40 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 262 POS 12.2.1: Increase number of trees. Work towards having trees on at least 90% of identified and available street tree planting sites. CSD/PWD Day-to-day 263 POS 12.4.1: Require compliance with water conservation standards. Require new landscaping to comply with City water conservation standards and requirements. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 264 POS 13.1.1: New community garden. Establish a new community garden. CSD EPC Priority Day-to-day Noise 265 NOI 1.1.1: Noise Ordinance. Update and enforce the City’s Noise Ordinance to be consistent with this Element. The update shall include noise performance standards for stationary noise sources, including, but not limited to, mechanical equipment, loading/unloading activities, amplified music, and light industrial operations. CAO/CDD Day-to-day 266 NOI 1.2.1: Disclosures for mixed-use development. Require disclosures to residents of new mixed-use developments of potential noise associated with adjacent uses such as solid waste/recycling collection, deliveries and other activities typically associated with commercial activity. CDD/CAO Day-to-day 267 NOI 1.2.2: Disclosures for new development. Require disclosures to residents in new developments of potential noise associated with nearby freeways or highways. CDD/CAO Day-to-day 268 NOI 1.6.1: Traffic noise reduction measures. Investigate and implement measures and techniques to reduce traffic noise such as repaving roadways or reducing speeds. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 41 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 269 NOI 1.6.2: Traffic noise reduction process. Monitor and record noise complaints related to traffic noise and coordinate with the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Noise Reduction Screening Program to reduce noise. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 270 NOI 1.6.3: Truck traffic. Encourage a limitation on commercial, industrial and construction truck traffic through residential areas by measures such as requiring truck traffic routes and traffic plans be identified for new construction and new commercial and industrial uses. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 271 NOI 1.7.1: Noise complaints. Respond to noise complaints by monitoring the source, suggesting noise mitigation measures, and using enforcement options when necessary. CAO/ POL/ CDD Day-to-day 272 NOI 1.7.2: Shoreline Amphitheatre. Plan for and manage noise from Shoreline Amphitheatre operations. CDD/CSD/POL Day-to-day 273 NOI 1.8.1: NASA overflights. Encourage and coordinate with NASA to minimize flights over the community, including managing practice landings, particularly during evening and nighttime hours. CDD/CMO Day-to-day 274 NOI 1.8.2: NASA noise levels. Encourage and coordinate with NASA to utilize flight, landing, and maintenance procedures which lower noise levels. CDD/CMO Day-to-day 275 NOI 1.8.3: Moffett Federal Airfield uses. Support efforts to restrict the use of Moffett Federal Airfield for additional air traffic uses such as passenger and cargo uses. CDD/CMO Day-to-day 42 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 276 NOI 1.9.1: Rail corridors. Monitor plans and projects, which would increase the noise from rail corridors, evaluate their noise impacts, and seek mitigation for any change that worsens local conditions. PWD/CMO Day-to-day 277 NOI 1.9.2: High-speed rail. Coordinate with the California High-Speed Rail Authority to reduce the noise impacts of the proposed High-Speed Rail Service. PWD/CDD Day-to-day 278 NOI 1.9.3: Light and heavy rail vibration. Monitor vibration caused by light and heavy rail using Federal guidelines for determining impacts. CDD/PWD Day-to-day 279 NOI 1.9.4: Light rail. Monitor regional plans for light rail facilities in Mountain View to ensure that noise impacts are identified and mitigated. PWD Day-to-day 280 NOI 1.9.5: Air horns. Seek the cooperation of transit agencies to avoid unnecessary and prolonged use of air horns except for safety purposes. PWD Day-to-day 281 NOI 1.9.6: Train noise legislation. Support legislation to reduce the noise level of trains. PWD Day-to-day Public Safety Police and Fire Services Combined 282 PSA 1.1.1: Share Police and Fire services. Work with neighboring cities to evaluate possible efficiency and cost savings from sharing services. POL/FIR Day-to-day 43 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS Police 283 PSA 2.2.1: Prompt notification. Notify residents and others in a timely manner of criminal activity that may potentially affect them. POL Completed 284 PSA 2.3.1: Improve officer skills. Continuously develop and improve the skills and abilities of all members of the Police Department through training and education. POL Day-to-day 285 PSA 2.3.2: Embrace technology. Embrace new technology that will help prevent and solve crimes. POL Day-to-day 286 PSA 2.4.1: Support Police Activities League. Provide support to the Mountain View Police Activities League via volunteered staff time and referrals. POL Day-to-day 287 PSA 2.6.1: Police service levels and facilities. Periodically review Police Department service levels and facility needs based on the most recent City studies and recommendations. POL Day-to-day Fire and Hazardous Materials 289 PSA 3.1.1: Use fire suppression best practices. Evaluate and update best practices, plans and policies for preventing and suppressing fires. FIR Day-to-day 290 PSA 3.1.2: Provide excellent equipment. Equip Firefighters with state- of-the-art equipment and training to respond quickly and effectively to medical emergencies. FIR Day-to-day 291 PSA 3.1.3: Adopt codes. Adopt and enforce proactive fire and life safety codes. FIR/CDD Day-to-day 292 PSA 3.1.4: Continue fire inspections. Maintain proactive and responsive programs for fire inspections and code enforcement. FIR Day-to-day 44 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 293 PSA 3.2.1: Incorporate latest technology and training. Keep abreast of new technology and training to manage and control hazardous materials. FIR Day-to-day 294 PSA 3.2.2: Enforce hazardous materials ordinances. Update and enforce local ordinances regulating the storage, use, handling, and clean-up of hazardous materials and contaminated sites. FIR Day-to-day 295 PSA 3.3.1: Regulate new hazardous materials uses. Review, monitor, and place appropriate conditions on new development that propose hazardous material use. FIR Day-to-day 296 PSA 3.4.1: Monitor remediation of federal Superfund sites. Monitor environmental remediation activities at federal Superfund sites within or adjacent to the City of Mountain View and ensure development in areas contaminated by federal Superfund sites implement appropriate measures to protect human health and the environment. CDD/CMO Day-to-day Emergency Preparedness 297 PSA 4.1.1: Maintain public safety operations during disaster. Maintain emergency operations sufficient for public safety during a disaster. This applies to facilities, equipment, communications systems and personnel, even when mutual aid is unavailable. Opportunities for public safety workers to live in Mountain View, as provided for in the Housing Element, will assist in ensuring the availability of adequate personnel. FIR/POL/PWD Day-to-day 298 PSA 4.1.2: Conduct practice drills. Conduct practice drills at least annually for City employees assigned to the City’s disaster response team. FIR Day-to-day 45 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 299 PSA 4.1.3: Work with Moffett Field. Collaborate with Moffett Field in emergency preparedness planning efforts. FIR Day-to-day 300 PSA 4.1.4: Plan for damaged utility lines. Develop response plans for disasters created by damage or failure of major gas and electric transmission lines. FIR/PWD Day-to-day 301 PSA 4.1.5: Evacuation plans. Emergency preparedness plans should consider priority evacuation routes taking into account areas and roadways that are more susceptible to earthquakes and liquefaction, flooding and other disasters or emergencies. FIR Day-to-day 302 PSA 4.2.1: Enforce building codes. All development and construction proposals shall be reviewed by the City of Mountain View to ensure conformance to current and applicable building and fire code standards. CDD/FIR Day-to-day 303 PSA 4.2.2: Develop a mitigation plan. Develop a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. FIR Day-to-day 304 PSA 4.2.3: Involve employers. Work with large employers in the City’s industrial and office areas to prepare a coordinated response in the event of a disaster. FIR Day-to-day 305 PSA 4.2.4: Educate the community. Educate the community on Community Risk Reduction and increase emergency preparedness. FIR Day-to-day 306 PSA 4.2.5: Work with neighborhoods. Support and involve neighborhoods and work with the Community Emergency Response Team to develop emergency response plans. FIR Day-to-day 46 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 307 PSA 4.2.7: Geotechnical studies. Adopt and periodically update a set of standard mitigation measures and development conditions related to geotechnical/soils investigation and environmental site assessments. CDD Day-to-day 308 PSA 4.2.8: Hazardous materials contamination. Adopt and periodically update a set of standard mitigation measures and development conditions to reduce the potential for contamination associated with hazardous materials related to areas adjacent to highways or previously used for agriculture or industrial uses. CDD Day-to-day 309 PSA 5.1.2: Upgrade Public Buildings. Replace or upgrade City-owned buildings and structures to meet seismic building codes. PWD/CSD Day-to-day 310 PSA 5.1.3: Hazard Studies. Review development projects in potentially seismic areas to ensure that geotechnical investigations are prepared following State guidelines and relevant local codes. CDD Day-to-day Greenhouse Gas Reduction Program Actions 311 Measure E-1.1: Residential Energy Efficiency Retrofit B: Leverage Energy Upgrade California outreach and educational materials, and Power Saver loans when made available, to encourage energy efficiency retrofits and the use of energy efficient, low-carbon, or renewable technologies CDD Day-to-day 312 Measure E-1.1: Residential Energy Efficiency Retrofit C: Support Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), PG&E, and other organizations’ efforts to develop and implement an Energy Upgrade California program for residential property owners CDD Day-to-day 47 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 313 Measure E-1.2: Non-Residential Energy Efficiency Retrofit A: Encourage the development of a non-residential PACE financing program (AB 811) to encourage investment in energy efficiency retrofits in non- residential properties CDD Day-to-day 314 Measure E-1.2: Non-Residential Energy Efficiency Retrofit B: Encourage small businesses to participate in PG&E programs that provide technical assistance and access to incentives for energy efficiency upgrades (e.g., refrigeration, HVAC, lighting) CDD Day-to-day 315 Measure E-1.3: Non-Residential Lighting Retrofit A: Enforce the Building Code to require all non-residential tenant improvements to improve lighting per current adopted Mountain View Green Building Code. CDD Day-to-day 316 Measure E-1.3: Non-Residential Lighting Retrofit B: Encourage small businesses to participate in PG&E programs that provide technical assistance and access to incentives for energy efficiency upgrades (e.g. lighting) CDD Day-to-day 317 Measure E-1.4: Residential Energy Star Appliances A: Leverage the Energy Upgrade California platform to promote Energy Star appliances and electronics CDD Day-to-day 318 Measure E-1.4: Residential Energy Star Appliances B: Collaborate with PG&E, SCVWD, and other non-profit organizations to promote existing financial incentive programs to encourage voluntary replacement of inefficient appliances with new Energy Star appliances CDD Day-to-day 48 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 319 Measure E-1.5: Smart Grid C: Update the Green Building Code to require smart grid energy management and compatible hearing, ventilation, air conditioning, and lighting in new construction CDD Day-to-day 320 Measure E-1.6: Exceed State Energy Standards in New Residential Development A: Ensure compliance with City’s adopted energy efficiency requirements CDD Day-to-day 321 Measure E-1.7: Exceed State Energy Standards in New Non-Residential Development A: Ensure compliance with City’s adopted energy efficiency requirements CDD Day-to-day 322 Measure E-1.8: Building Shade Trees in Residential Development B: Develop an outreach program to encourage residents to plant shade trees on private property CDD Day-to-day 323 Measure E-2.4: Non-Residential Solar Photovoltaic Systems C: Encourage the development of a non-residential PACE financing program (AB 811) to encourage non-residential property owners to invest in renewable energy systems CDD Day-to-day 324 Measure E-2.5: Landfill Gas to Energy A: Continue to operate the Shoreline Landfill gas to energy generation systems PWD Day-to-day 325 Measure E-2.5: Landfill Gas to Energy B: Work with landfill-gas end users to evaluate potential for developing combined heat and power systems PWD Day-to-day 326 Measure E-4.1: Energy Efficiency in Streetlights and Traffic Lights A: Identify and prioritize municipal parking garages for lighting upgrades PWD/CDD Day-to-day 327 Measure E-4.1: Energy Efficiency in Streetlights and Traffic Lights D: Install high-efficiency lighting in all City-owned parking facilities PWD/CDD Day-to-day 49 SR. NO. GENERAL PLAN ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE /LEAD DEPARTMENT EPC Priority? STATUS 328 Measure S-1.1: Implementation of Zero-Waste Plan A: Implement Zero-Waste Plan PWD Day-to-day